Saturday, August 11, 2012

Wow....Really? Four Months Ago

I can't believe I haven't posted anything here since April - especially since so much has happened since April.  Or maybe it is because so much has happened since April, that I haven't posted here.

Where to begin.

That Shasta Compact, in great condition, the subject of the last time I posted?  Well, it's sitting in my driveway.  Smashed.  It was rear ended in transit from Maine to Illinois.  Which was bad enough, in itself. But the busted up rear-end opened up the back end and the rot - you know - the typical rotted framing of most vintage campers.  Of course, the seller had assured me that this trailer was free of that rot as it had been kept indoors. Sigh.  Not true on so many levels, for so many reasons.

I'll get it fixed, somehow.  Just not exactly sure how that will happen.  No vintage trailer restoration fairies have appeared at my door - only the police - after my neighbors called.  Of course he left, as the trailer had plates and wasn't in violation of any law.  So the whole summer has come and is now almost gone, along with my dreams for getting this little Shasta Compact up and camp worthy for me and my granddaughter.

My dream Shasta - the 1957 Model 1500 is still in Washington.  It is beautiful and it gets more beautiful as it is lovingly brought back to her former glory, and made even better as she gets upgrades for us to more fully enjoy her.  The plan is to go and get her next Spring.  For now, I get constant updates.

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